Sunday, October 14, 2007


L.0 Home
Really far away
October 14, 2007

Dear Lauren.0,

With due consideration, we here at Lauren.5 Literary Agency have decided to accept your novel for represention through our company. We have read through the manuscript and feel that it is a breath of fresh literary air.

Our lawyers here at L5LA inc. have informed me that I am required to share with you our company's current financial standing (we filed for bankruptsy last month). Despite our financial difficulties, we are still excited to undertake your project.

We had planned to type a long and wordy response to your original letter, but have found the hour far too late to continue past three measley paragraphs. Please feel free to contact us with any further inquiries.




L.5 Literary Angency
October, 13 2007

Dear Lauren.5:

I have always enjoyed the fantasy novels that make me forget they're fantasy—worlds where magic is both commonplace and essential to the landscape, where characters are not always powerful and beautiful, and where the heroes have a potential for depravity that doesn't always go untapped. This led me to begin THE MARKMASTERS TRILOGY, a character-driven story about two people who overcome the fetters of class and expectation to save their world.

When Princess Arianna learns that her trusted companion intends to hand her over to a hostile country, her journey of self-discovery becomes the catalyst for war. Unwilling to be a pawn, she accepts the help of a Mage and an enslaved stableboy and embarks on a furious chase home. After returning to the castle, however, she finds herself changed, worldly, and determined to create her own future. Then the princess's friends return from their own quests, each with dire news. One bears reports of the enemy country's impending siege and the other brings a more chilling tale: the Mark of the Sun has returned. Now, they must defeat the limitations both society and they have created in order to gain the courage they need to preserve their world.

My name is Lauren.0. I am a 23-year-old English Language teacher living in Saitama, Japan. My writing experience includes a poem published in "Remark." magazine and one year's employment at my University's Writing Center. I am a member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms and enjoy researching and replicating medieval life, both in flesh and fiction. I am also a great lover of horses and spent my most recent summer working at a ranch where I taught riding and cared for horses.

THE MARK OF FLIGHT is a first novel of 91,500 words and encompasses Arianna's journey home. The sequel, THE MARK OF THE SUN, is near completion and there is a working outline for book three, THE MARK OF DESTINY. These two books cover the conflict over the Mark of the Sun. Though I'm querying on behalf of THE MARK OF FLIGHT, I am looking for an agent who will represent the entire MARKMASTERS trilogy. I've included a two page synopsis and the full manuscript of THE MARK OF FLIGHT and a self-addressed stamped envelope. I look forward to hearing from you and working together on my novels. Thank you for taking the time to read my query.

Best wishes,